Investigation Actions

Modified on Mon, 20 May, 2024 at 1:44 AM

When you are working on an Investigation a number of different actions are available to manage your investigation.  This article discusses the different actions you can take:

  1. Create
  2. Edit
  3. Notes
    • Add
    • Edit
    • Delete
    • Share
  4. Snooze
  5. Close
  6. View Open
  7. View Closed

Tip: If you are new to Investigations you should review Investigations Overview 


Create an Investigation

There are multiple methods to create an investigation based on individual alerts, multiple alerts or simply a placeholder to add alerts at a later stage.

To create an investigation based on alert(s):

  1. Select Dashboards from the left hand menu
  2. Select Alert Management
  3. You will now view the Alerts Management dashboard and all Alerts
  4. Select the relevant Alerts by checking the box beside each relevant alert
  5. Select (more options) at the right of the table and select Assign or Create Investigation
  6. You will be presented with the Assign Alerts to Investigation page
  7. Within the Create new Investigation window
  8. Enter a Name for the investigation
  9. Select a Priority
  10. Select a Type
  11. Assign the investigation to yourself or another user of your tenant
  12. Select Create and Assign


To create an empty investigation (no alerts assigned), you can assign alert(s) later:

  1. Select Investigations from the left hand menu
  2. Select Create New
  3. Enter a Name for the investigation 
  4. Select a Priority
  5. Select a Type
  6. Assign the investigation to yourself or another user of your tenant
  7. Select Create


To assign alert(s) to the empty investigation:

  1. Select Dashboards from the left hand menu
  2. Select Alert Management
  3. You will now view the Alerts Management dashboard and all Alerts
  4. Select the relevant Alerts by checking the box(es) within the Alert widget
  5. Select the mceclip0.png (more options) at the top right of the table and select Assign or Create Investigation
  6. You will be presented with the Assign Alerts to Investigation page
  7. Select Assign to existing Investigation and from the pull down menu select the Investigation name you created.
  8. Select Assign


Edit an Investigation

  1. Select Investigations from the left hand menu
  2. Within the Open Investigations window, select the Investigation you wish to edit
  3. You can:
    • Change the Status, Assign to a different user and Priority of the Investigation
  4. If you want to unassign Alerts to the investigation, select the relevant Alert
  5. Click on the mceclip0.png (more options) to the right of the alert and select Unassign


Investigation Notes

Using the notes feature you can document findings during an investigation to reflect progress made, conclusions drawn and communicate all information to other users of your Samurai XDR tenant. 

Notes are associated within an individual investigation and are added using a WYSIWYG editor. Each note contains the following information:

  • Time-stamp
    • Last updated date and time in the format [yyyy:mm:dd], [hh:mm:ss]
  • Contributors
    • User that created the note represented as an icon with initials of the user
    • Users that have modified the note
    • Hover over the icon to display the users email address

The WYSIWYG editor provides the following functionality:

 Toolbar button Name


notes-codeblock.PNG Code block Insert code block
notes-addlink.PNG Insert/edit URL Create or edit a URL link
notes-bold.PNG Bold Bold or unbold text
notes-italic.PNG Italic Italicize or remove italics
notes-underline.PNG Underline Underline or remove underline from text
notes-bulletedlist.PNG Bulleted list Create or remove a bulleted list
notes-numberedlist.PNG Numbered list Create or remove a numbered list
notes-table.PNG Table Create or modify a table
notes-counter.PNG Character counter Counter showing number of character used and limit of 5000
notes-save.PNG Save / update  Save or update a note
 Share Copies the URL of the note to share with other users in your tenant
notes-openinnewwindow.PNG Open in new window Opens the note in a new window
notes-edit.PNG Edit Allows you to edit and update a saved note
notes-delete.PNG Delete Delete the note
notes-editcross.PNG Exit edit mode Exit note edit mode
notes-editarrow.PNG Confirm update Save and update note


Add Note

  1. Select the relevant Investigation within the Investigations menu. 
  2. Click on the Notes icon notes-icon.PNG
  3. You can now add free form text within the field using the WYSIWYG editor
  4. Click notes-save.PNGto save the Note


Edit Note

  1. Select the relevant Investigation within the Investigations menu. 
  2. Click on the Notes icon notes-icon.PNG
  3. Select the relevant Note you wish to edit
  4. Click on mceclip0.png(more options) and select notes-edit.PNG(edit)
  5. Once complete  click notes-editarrow.PNG to save or notes-editcross.PNGif you wish to forget the update

Delete Note

  1. Select the relevant Investigation within the Investigations menu. 
  2. Click on the Notes icon notes-icon.PNG
  3. Select the relevant Note you wish to delete
  4. Click on mceclip0.png(more options) and select notes-delete.PNG(delete)


Share Note

  1. Select the relevant Investigation within the Investigations menu. 
  2. Click on the Notes icon notes-icon.PNG
  3. Select the relevant Note you wish to delete
  4. Click on mceclip0.png(more options) and select notes-share.PNG(share)
  5. The URL of the note will be copied to your clipboard and can be shared with other users of your tenant


Snooze an Investigation

  1. Select Investigations from the left hand menu
  2. Within the Open Investigations window, select the Investigation you wish to snooze
  3. From the Status drop down menu, select Snooze
  4. You can now Define the snooze period for the Investigation
  5. Select the Duration
  6. Provide a Description for why you are snoozing the investigation
  7. Select Confirm
  8. Within the Open Investigations page you will now see the Status is updated to Snooze


Close an Investigation

  1. Select Investigations from the left hand menu
  2. Within the Open Investigations widget, select the Investigation you wish to snooze
  3. From the Status drop down menu, select Closed
  4. To close the Investigation you should select one of the options presented:
    • Security Incident Confirmed
    • False-Positive
    • True-Positive (from legitimate host)
  5. Provide a reason behind closing the investigation

View Open Investigations

  1. Select Investigations from the left hand menu
  2. View the Open Investigations widget, this will list all investigations that are Open or in Snooze status
  3. You can filter on the Status field for Open investigations

Alternatively you can view the latest Investigations widget within Dashboards > Alert Management 



View Closed Investigations

  1. Select Investigations from the left hand menu
  2. View the Closed Investigations widget